Building SMART Part 1 – The Process

October 28, 2020 2:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

We all know how daunting change can be, but as our lives get busier the allure of automation is becoming more apparent. When you consider the prospect of having an automation system whether residential, retail or commercial, your initial thoughts might be that you would need to completely rebuild and read through volumes of manuals to learn how to use the automation features. Yes, this is true for DYI’ers, using off-the-shelf products. Building a DYI smart home can feel like an overwhelming puzzle, unless you are tech savvy, due to many different products in so many ecosystems.

Good news!  Home automation is growing in popularity, and while it might seem pricey, companies like Control4 develop systems that are both affordable and easy to use. You can automate as little or as much as like, depending on your needs. However, this will also depend on whether this is a new build or a renovation, as some automation requires custom cabling through the whole house. But do not fret, there are Automation Specialist that can help walk you through every step and advise what can and cannot be done based on your individual needs.

Getting an understanding of what you might like ahead of time is good, so a little research might be in order. Maybe you really want the lights to come on when you walk in house, close the garage from your phone because you forgot or even ask your home to turn the music on, these are just some of the customizations available.  You Home Automation specialist, like Sight and Sound Automation, will work with you through the whole process to make sure you get the ‘WOW’ in the end!

This Building Smart series will walk you through the process from the ground up. Here are the topics we will touch on over the series: Consultation, Design and Planning, Estimate, Installation and Support.


Each part of the series will help you understand each step of the process to put you at ease with such a complex process. Automation has come along way since THE CLAPPER and there are many things to consider when moving to Home Automation. This is where the first step of the process comes in. The consultation step is the most important step in the process as it builds the foundation for your new automated world.


So… stay tuned for Part 2 of the Building Smart – Consultation.

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This post was written by Mark.K

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